studio (un)scripted: 5 questions with lacy hatton.
LACY HATTON, ELITE BUYERS AGENT, (with a heart of gold, a contagious smile, and the patience of an angel)
The Studio is my happy place, where is yours?
My happy place since childhood has been nearly anywhere with books. I love the art of storytelling in every form and experiencing stories is where I recharge. I used to love going to the library and finding a hefty beanbag to curl into with the stack of books I’d chosen. The squeak of those little step stools, the “shush” of a librarian, and the clunk of a card catalog drawer was the soundtrack of my dreams. As an adult living in Lexington, there’s no better feeling than walking the long hall at Lexington Green and swinging open the doors to Joseph Beth. Standing on the second level, with a birds eye view of the store feels precisely like Christmas morning.
Congrats on all of your professional success! It’s so fun to watch and celebrate from afar. That said, what you do is similar to what we do, in that we are creating and executing stories for our clients based on what they’re trying to achieve. How do you approach the sale of each home, understanding they’re all different and cater to specific customer needs?
I adore my clients. Each and every want, need, family, and story is unique. I often say that I am the best and worst Buyer’s agent – as I will look at a home with my specific clients interests in mind and often be waiting on the doorstep for a showing – having beat my client there and taken a look around – with either the giddy excitement of “this might be the one” or the downtrodden disappointment of the “you aren’t going to like this one.” Prioritizing time to get to know my clients and analyze their needs is at the heart of my business. Not only is it important to know what they want and need, but also adding the value of my experience to consider things that they may not have thought about. I enjoy working with Sellers to showcase their home and offer it in both the best and most transparent light to market, but I equally love working with Buyers to find the right fit for their situation, wants, needs, and budget. Buying and selling can be a complicated and overwhelming process with so many factors, nuances, and timelines. It is important to me that I help guide all my clients to a place of confidence in their transactions so they can enjoy the excitement and stay on track to reach their goals!

We are also both very candid in how we share our lives online. What would you say your personal brand is, how did you define that and what do you do to keep it authentic?
The most frequent lines I see in my client reviews are “down to earth,” “genuine,” as well “great communication,” and “professional” – I personally couldn’t imagine a more wonderful combination of attributes to be associated with. Considering yourself a genuine person is good. Having that reflected back at you in the experiences of others is great. And that genuineness is the “branding” that I hope to offer and establish with all my interactions. I enjoy what I do and I think my clients see that coupled with my knowledge and it translates to them feeling comfortable and supported. There is a distinct domino effect taking place in all real estate transactions and it’s so much bigger than property and money changing hands. I think what makes me a great agent is that ultimately I care most about people. So many incredible friendships have been formed from a phone call about real estate. This is a professional industry, but my transactions are personal to me.
You are like a superhero — maintaining a high-powered job, molding young children, being present with your family both as a foursome and with extended families — what is your secret?
That something is always going to be a little off the rails and while I’m getting that thing back on track another is revving up to take its place. Listen, there are only so many hours in the day. Nothing will ever be perfect, but it can be handled and experienced with thought and care. We can give our best to the things that matter most at the time, and in the words of Annie “the sun will come out tomorrow.” I am innately a multi-tasking ninja. It’s in organizing the chaos that I feel most alive. A landscaper can mow a yard and look back to admire the lines, but many of us live in a professional or personal world where the victories are unseen to the naked eye. I work hard everyday to look for the lines and admire the progress. And lists are my best friend!
If you could ask me anything what would it be?
What’s a goal that you haven’t achieved yet, but know that you will?
Check out what Lacy has going on in the real estate world, mom world, wife world, reader world…and so much more!